Breakups are hard enough on their own, but when you keep seeing your ex everywhere you go it makes things a lot more difficult. That’s why social media can be tough. Regardless of whether or not you are seeing your ex at work or school, you definitely don’t need him in your house or at the gym with you too!

One thing that can be really dangerous these days, though, is social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all of those pesky sites can make forgetting about your ex and moving forward with your life a real pain in the butt.

Somehow I’ve never really had a big problem with this when dealing with breakups, though, so wanted to share some of my insight and advice.

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First, block your ex on everything you can possibly think of. Block him from texting and calling you, block him on Facebook (don’t just unfriend — block. Blocking is better because you will not see him on any of your mutual friends’ pages and you won’t be able to send each other messages). Block on Instagram, Twitter, whatever else is out there. As I mentioned in a Facebook status awhile ago, you may need to do it on strange sites you wouldn’t even think of like Spotify and Venmo.

Second, get a bestie to come over and clean up all of your social media that might have things with him left over. For example, I had my best friend save a bunch of sweet voicemails from him “just in case, [we got back together].” I realized pretty shortly after that I wouldn’t need them back, but at the time it is a little easier deleting things when you can get them back again if you want them. Then she “unfollowed” a lot of his close friends and family on my Facebook for me, and untagged our most recent pictures together so I wouldn’t accidentally see any of them pop up anytime soon.

Third, box up all of his stuff, then shove it in the attic! If you’re not fortunate enough to have a tucked away attic you can get creative and use a closet, a cabinet, or whatever else you won’t be seeing at all in your everyday life. For me, this was the guest room. Do not contact your ex asking if they want any of their stuff back — this is just opening a door you do not need and offering another opportunity for both of you to get hurt. You gave him things, just as he gave you some — the only item you are ever really obligated to give back is an engagement ring. If you don’t have that, just call it even and move on.

Lastly, have an accountability buddy you can text whenever you feel like texting him. This has never a big problem for me, as I like to quit things cold-turkey. I do know, though, that even I would get reminders that would be hard or hurt, and enjoyed having a best friend to lean on when times were tough. She was someone I could cry to if I missed my ex, or just rely on her to have a little conversation about why it was good we broke up. Having someone to text instead of him is so important so that you don’t slip up! Real friends will understand this struggle and be more than happy to help — after all, they might need you for the exact same thing one day and will be grateful to you for listening.

Overall the best thing to do in a breakup is be kind and gentle with yourself, even if you do backslide. Ending any sort of relationship is hard, and good for you for deciding you didn’t want to settle for someone who isn’t right for you. Even if you were the one who got dumped, being strong and realizing that there was likely a pretty good reason for the breakup is a great start.

12 responses to “Facebook Is Actually The”

  1. Tony Burgess Avatar

    I am on a Facebook break. Haven’t been on in about 10 days. Sometimes a cold turkey break is a good thing too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. singleinthesuburbs01 Avatar

      Yes that’s definitely a good idea if it’s causing any sort of stress. Good for you for knowing what you need to do and sticking to it! You’re not missing out on anything, haha.


  2. Shiva Malekopmath Avatar

    This is a very good piece of advise for all youths especially who are on the suburbs and that too who are single in the suburbs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs01 Avatar

      Haha thank you so much!! Hopefully those who are single in the suburbs feel the same way lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Shiva Malekopmath Avatar

        I recommend this post to be read especially girls. I have discussed the matter with my daughter and have asked to read it.


  3. tarnishedsoul Avatar

    Again, you offer awesome advice!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs01 Avatar

      Haha thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to read. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. tarnishedsoul Avatar

        Of course! Your blog is among my favorites to read. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. singleinthesuburbs01 Avatar

        Aww you just completely made my week! Thank you so much. I love following yours as well!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. tarnishedsoul Avatar

        Thank you! That makes me feel good, but sometimes I think my blog might give people nightmares…lol

        Liked by 1 person

      4. singleinthesuburbs01 Avatar

        Hahaha oh my gosh! Well I’ve never had a nightmare from your blog, and I’ve followed it for quite awhile now.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. tarnishedsoul Avatar

        Liked by 1 person

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