Are You Still Friends?

Friendship is a two way street.

This is a lesson it took me years to learn, and to this day it can be a hard truth to swallow.

I talk to so many people who are frustrated about friendships that die when they stop putting in all the effort, and I can definitely relate. I’m love to communicate and find that keeping in touch is easy enough if you want to reach out to someone with a text or phone call every so often to see how they’re doing. Old friends tell me that they’re glad I’m good at keeping up with them, and I am happy to, as I genuinely care about how they’re doing and what’s going on in their life.

There are those friends, though, who never reach out if you don’t say something first. I don’t always think this means you need to cut them out of your life or even that they don’t care about you — some people are just incredibly busy and don’t have casual friendships as a top priority. I do think this often means they cannot still have a top space in your heart, though. You can care deeply about a friend who doesn’t put in effort to your friendship. You can still want the best for them and support them, but it’s important to make sure your heart knows what distance to keep the friendship at to realize your own worth.

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Here’s a good comparison. Would you want to date someone who never texted you first or gave any sort of affirmation that you’re an important part of their life? No! You deserve to be a priority in people’s lives, and if they can’t see how much you’re worth there will be other friends who will.

If some of your current friends don’t recognize that you are valuable enough to keep in touch with, there will be others who will. Just like the men who are waiting to date a girl like you, there are people out there in the world looking for a friend just like you, too. Keep each of your friendships as a treasure in your life, but if you feel frustrated about a lack of effort in a close relationship, spend your time on someone who will put time back into you. You are worth investing your time in people who are investing in you.

Today’s lesson: Not everyone has time to spend on a wide range of people and that’s okay. Don’t take it personally if you begin to realize some of your friends aren’t putting any effort back into your friendship. It likely has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their schedule and priorities. This is a really hard lesson to learn since it can feel so personal, but once you realize that there are other people out there who want to use quality time as their love language, finding the right friends becomes just a little bit easier. There are so many people in this world who would love to have your friendship; you just need to find the right humans to invest your time in.

7 responses to “Are You Still Friends?”

  1. Tony Burgess Avatar

    Everyone wants to be valued as much as they value others. Somehow I don’t always feel that from my friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      That’s so true!! I’m sorry you feel that way, Tony. I hope you have even just one friend to count on- that’s all you really need, the rest are just huge blessings too.


  2. Howdoigrownup Avatar

    I call those friends who just don’t make your friendship a priority ‘sometimes friends’ because you can still care about them but you only make the space sometimes. Not everyone can be or needs to be a close friend. Thanks for the awesome post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Yes that’s a great way of looking at them!! They’re still so important to have, but shouldn’t be always on your mind as a go-to person.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Myka Avatar

    Ugh, it’s so hard when your “best friends” become the people who give 0 effort. But, I’m really glad to hear it doesn’t only happen to me. Thanks for the reminder. .xo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Yes it is!!! I have had some really close friends drift apart and it’s heartbreaking at first, but some people are just meant to be around for a season. And sometimes they come back! ❤


  4. Havana Nguyen Avatar

    Hi thanks for shaaring this


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