Dating Is A Numbers Game

As unromantic as it sounds, finding your forever and always person is all about giving people chances and dating, dating, dating. One piece of important advice I give to all of my friends is that dating is a numbers game. The more people you go out with, the more people you won’t hit it off with, but the greater chance you have to find the person who is right for you.

Some common complaints I hear about dating are:

  • “Online dating doesn’t work for me. I’ve been on two Match dates and they were both nightmares!” Well, maybe that just isn’t the right site for you, but honestly about 1 in 8 dates are going to likely be duds that won’t even turn into a second date. Sometimes you’ll have more bad dates, sometimes you’ll have a few good ones in a row. Giving up after only a few chances, though, isn’t going to be the attitude that helps you to meet someone great.
  • “I don’t want to tell people we met online. I want our story to be better than just meeting on a dating app!” I don’t get this. At all. Who cares how you meet someone amazing, as long as you do? When Robert and I tell people how we met we start off by saying that we met online, but then we immediately jump into our first date story about how he almost stood me up, then how when we did actually meet that I was more interested in petting a cute dog I found outside the restaurant than greeting him. I love our story so much, and we have so many fun moments to sprinkle into it that “OK Cupid” is only a sentence in the story of how we met.


  • “There isn’t anyone cute near me. Guys here are lame.” Unless you live in a teeny tiny area, this is an enormous statement for the entirety of the young adult population where you live. First, pictures can be deceiving. I have a few friends who I absolutely know would make great matches, but they’re unwilling to even give someone a chance because of a few Facebook photos. Sometimes attraction can’t be felt over a computer screen, and although I think it’s an incredibly important component of a great romantic relationship, I think giving someone a chance — even just a 1 hour date — could be a game-changer for you. If a friend wants to set you up, give their match a try! After all, there’s a reason you came to mind when they decided to pair you with your date. The very worst-case scenario is that you wasted an hour or two of your entire life on someone you’re never going to see again. Then, if the same friend tries to set you up again you can politely decline if it was really that bad. Having an open mind can be such a great asset to the dating world.
  • “I don’t want to do the casual dating thing; I want an exclusive relationship!” Okay. 99% of the time that’s not going to work. Unless you turn a friendship into a relationship, odds are you’re not just going to meet Mr. Right on the street and realize that the two of you are perfect for each other. You have to be casual at some point in your relationship; you aren’t supposed to know right off the bat whether someone is going to be your new significant other. Sometimes people will tell you that they knew right after meeting someone that they were going to marry them, but that’s a rare miracle in the dating world. You typically become more drawn to someone as you get to know more about their heart and values, and it takes time to really get to the nitty gritty of someone’s true personality. I totally know that dating around is exhausting and can be a chore, but you rarely get beautiful things in life without working hard for them.


Today’s Lesson: Your dating motto for 2018 should be, “It’s just a date.” Stop overthinking dating and start taking chances on things that scare you, and open up your mind to the possibilities around you. I strongly believe there is more harm to being close-minded than being too picky with who you choose to spend your dates on. Be careful, and be smart, but open up your dating pool to some people you might not typically go out with. Then, watch how your dating life transforms through the lessons people teach you and as others begin to open their hearts up to you.

13 responses to “Dating Is A Numbers Game”

  1. Brandon Adams Avatar

    Pressure kills everything it touches. The pressures to make a story perfect or to reach the goal of marriage are no exception. Honestly, if Christians just relaxed about the whole thing, life would probably be a lot simpler.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Yeah, I do think people aren’t forgiving enough to themselves (myself definitely included!) and we need to realize that we’re all human and make mistakes. There is no such thing as perfection — the dating world is for sure included.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Daniel Tomlinson Avatar

    This is beautiful Krista and timeless. I pray that those who need to read it will be brought here to read it. Thank you, and God bless you and your boyfriend my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Thanks so much Daniel!! You are too kind. 🙂


  3. learningtobefearless Avatar

    Thanks for the tips ;)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Thank you for reading! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Am I Thirty? Avatar

    I really agree with your third point. You can’t fully tell what someone looks like just through pictures. I’ve gone on online dates where the guy looked nothing like his pics, and sometimes in a good way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Yeah, it’s crazy! I think anyone who has done even just a few online dates will have come across this at some point.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. lynsey401 Avatar

    I really like this post! Dating is so hard sometimes, but you’re right. If you don’t give people chances you won’t get anywhere! Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Thanks so much for reading Lynsey!! It’s so true; some of my best friends have found their husbands by giving someone they didn’t think they’d work out with a chance. It’s crazy!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Joanne Avatar

    Love this post Krista! Just got out of a 4 and a half year relationship, and even thinking about dating stresses me out. This is perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Hey Joanne! I am so sorry, my heart hurts for you. I know that a breakup after being together so long is such a difficult thing. I promise you your heart will heal, though, and your love life will end up being BETTER because of this. My best advice to you would be to be patient with dating. It might take a bit to have dating around feel normal again, but be kind to yourself and take breaks when you need them. You’ve got this, girl, and I’m here cheering you on! Message me anytime. ❤


  7. Single And So Ready To Settle Down – Krista Lauren Avatar

    […] putting a conscious effort into going after what we want, even if that’s a relationship. So go create a dating profile or sit next to the guy you’ve been crushing on from afar. Even though things often start […]

    Liked by 1 person

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