Game of Thrones Season 3

Spoiler alert: don’t read this if you don’t want to know anything that happens in the series. 

I am currently on season 3 of GoT, and I have a million different thoughts about it. I will save why I think this series is also problematic for another post, but today I want to just enjoy it and talk about why I like it so much so far.

It’s difficult trying to get caught up before the final season’s premiere. It’s almost like being given an enormous chocolate cake and being told, “Here, you have 24 hours to eat as much as you want, then we’re going to throw it out and you’ll never have a cake quite as good again.” I don’t want to completely binge and gorge myself, but at the same time I want to be able to watch it while it’s still unspoiled. I want to be able to enjoy the premiere the way everyone else will, and absolutely cannot jump ahead and then go back to watching. Too much happens in this show, and I already regret watching part of season 7 when it was premiering. I watched a couple of episodes of season 7 when it was going on, so I already have a hunch about a few things I can remember from that. It ruined some of the giant surprises like at the end of season 1 when Daenerys holds her baby dragons. Everyone was shocked when they initially saw this, but I saw the giant dragons in season 7, so the babies really aren’t that impressive. Same goes for seeing the white walkers for the first time. I think I remember Jon Snow, Arya, Daenerys, and Tyrion are in the seventh season, so I don’t believe any of them are going to die. I could be wrong, as I forget a lot from television shows, but I’m pretty confident about this at least. I really don’t remember Jamie Lannister or Robb Stark, my favorite character, so I think they might not make it. Those are the only guesses about people, but still — I know GoT is notorious for getting rid of really big characters, so it’s a pretty big spoil if I know 4 of the main characters do make it.

Photo Credit: HBO – Robb and Talisa are literally the cutest and I’m obsessed with them. 

Here are some of my predictions of things that are going on right now:

First, I think Margaery is going to kill Joffrey. Towards the beginning of this episode she said to him, “Would you like to see me kill someone?” If this isn’t foreshadowing, I don’t know what is. One spoiler I got was that I’ll be able to watch Joffrey’s death. I close my eyes or put my hands up to the television any time there is fighting, so I never watch when people get killed (When I can help it). I think he’ll be poisoned. I speculate it will be Margaery, and I think it will be because Joffrey mistreats Sansa. If that’s not what happens, I think Sansa kills Joffrey for mistreating Margaery. I don’t know if it’s their slight resemblance or if it’s because they both seemed to get along well when they ate lemon cakes together, but something tells me they’re going to be unlikely allies. My final theory is that Margaery’s grandmother is the one who poisons Joffrey, but that’s the third likely one in my mind. We shall see; please don’t spoil it for me! I have already been told this king does die at some point, so I don’t want the entire thing to be ruined.

I was also told that there would be a character I will dislike more than I dislike Joffrey. I think I met that man today. He kidnapped Theon, and something is really off about him. Edit: I watched more after writing this post, and it’s definitely Ramsay. He SUCKS. 

Throughout all of this, I’ve been texting my dear friend Danielle. She’s seen the series many times before and thinks a lot of my theories are funny (I am really good at predicting some things, but also have some really terrible predictions). I’ve been shocked at how almost everyone I talk to about this show has seen it. For something that’s not on regular programming, almost everyone I know watches — and loves — the series. For many reasons, I can see why, but that doesn’t mean I love every single thing about the show. The story line is amazing, but I think a lot could be cut and it would still have the kind of flow a show like this needs. I’ll probably do a few posts about my thoughts as the seasons go on, so feel free to check back in if you’re a fan and want to see some bad predictions and theories. In the meantime, I need to get ready for all the different weddings that are coming up!

9 responses to “Game of Thrones Season 3”

  1. Trula Marie Avatar
    Trula Marie

    I wish you were right about Margery. Pay attention after he dies. There’s a huge give away that will shockingly tell you exactly who it was – I missed it the first time, but it will definitely shock you when you find out in season 7.

    Also you’re going to love it. I promise!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Was it Margery’s grandmother?! I saw this comment after I watched it but since Tyrion took the wine from close to her grandma, that’s who I speculated it was. 🧐

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Trula Marie Avatar
        Trula Marie

        Keep watching! I won’t spoil it for you. But feel free to DM me on Instagram to discuss if you want!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Oh I totally will!! I’ll probably message you on Insta next time I watch an episode because I love talking about it! 😂


  2. Paula Light Avatar
    Paula Light

    I’m a huge fan & have watched it all 3 times, lol. Very good theories! I am so excited about S8 starting Sunday and will be sad when it all comes to an end. This was a strange show for me to enjoy, as I’m not generally a fan of dragons and zombies and things, but I received the books as a birthday gift, and I got hooked. The show is even better because the acting and drama comes alive so well on the screen. I’ll follow you back! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Ahhh I know it’s all going by so fast for me, haha. I wish I had started sooner so I could have taken more time to enjoy it, but I don’t want to be as far behind for the final season so am trying to catch up. I can see how you’d like this but not other fantasy stuff. I agree; the acting is AMAZING and the makeup artists and set designers are as well. They really put you in a new world!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Am I Thirty? Avatar

    I have been enjoying watching your recaps through Instagram. I’m always jealous when people start watching a show I already love for the first time. I always wish I can go back and experience as a newbie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Haha same girl!! I think I might kind of regret watching this so fast but at the same time it will be so fun enjoying season 8 with everyone!! 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  4. GoT Season 8 Predictions – Krista Lauren Avatar

    […] I’m sure I’ll have plenty of others. My two big predictions that came true were that Margaery’s grandmother killed Joffrey, and Arya Stark beheaded Lord Baelish. Both of those I called well in advance, and […]

    Liked by 1 person

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