One of my resolutions this year is to read one book a month. It isn’t a lot, but it’s realistic, so any extra reads will be a great bonus. For January, I chose Girl, Wash Your Face. It was interesting timing because I recently saw a Facebook post in a group going around talking about how Rachel Hollis’ book, GWYF, was close-minded and uptight. I hadn’t read it at the time I saw the argument going on, but I was surprised that so many girls from this group of typically very accepting people had such hard feelings toward the author of GWYF, so I became increasingly curious as to what fired people up about this bestselling author.

My best friend Audrey gave me the audiobook for my birthday last month, and I’ve finally listened to more than half of it. I feel compelled to write about it now, though, because while listening I have had several moments where I want to throw my hands up and scream, “YES. THIS IS HOW I FEEL!” It’s such a joy to find novels, blogs, and television shows that just get you. In a world that feels so incredibly big, it’s always comforting to know there are other people who have things in common with you. Whether it’s your beliefs, sense of humor, hobbies, or interests, knowing that you aren’t alone is so important for every human being.

Instagram: msrachelhollis

I am sick of the old narrative that says just because someone is living their life a different way than the majority, that they are a judgmental bigot. One of the biggest criticisms I saw floating around was that Hollis wasn’t relatable because her ideas about sex weren’t realistic. Spoiler alert: she waited to have sex until she was with her husband. Something that bothers me is that there is no place in the entertainment world for virgins or people who want to save sex for someone special. Hollis is in no way the names girls called her; she is just different than what the norm of the group posts about.

Just because Rachel held her virginity close to her own heart does not mean she is shaming others for having sex with multiple people. I absolutely hate that women can’t talk about this freely without being criticized for being close-minded or a prude. Women in this typically nonjudgmental group began talking about how the author seemed condescending and high-strung. Honestly, I can see how Girl Wash Your Face might not be relatable to everyone, but I didn’t get this vibe at all. There is a reason this book became a bestseller; there are so many women out there who can relate and feel a lot less alone while consuming Hollis’ words. There is a need for women to speak out about virginity and waiting to have sex because they exist too. Instead of continuing the narrative that these women are boring, uptight, and judgmental, we need to move to a safe middle ground of realizing that sexual preferences do not make a person or dictate what their personality is like. Sex is a verb, it isn’t an adjective that describes what a person is like at their core. 

Hollis actually has an entire chapter about sex and I absolutely loved it. I don’t think anyone would actually keep calling her the names they’ve bestowed upon her after reading it, and her views on being intimate are actually really healthy. She talks about the way she views sex, and she isn’t boring or vanilla in the least. She writes about different seasons through her sex life with her husband and the realistic ebb and flow that most people will experience. This is just another opportunity Hollis takes to talk about something that could be difficult for some of her readers, and help them see that they are — in fact — normal human beings.

Women who choose to keep sex as something for a monogamous relationship or for marriage need to feel less alone too. We have moved to a time in society where we know that you’re not a bad person for sleeping with multiple people. We accept being sexually active as a societal norm, and as long as you’re a normal human being you don’t shame other people for their preferences. This should include the young people who are saving themselves for one person, though. There aren’t many positive examples of people like this in the media. You don’t watch a television show and see a badass virgin who has a likable personality and is someone others look up to. Talking about someone being a virgin in the media is typically not done, and if it is, it is portraying a young girl losing her virginity to “become an woman” or honing in on the storyline of a lack of sex for a nerdy character. You don’t see normal twenty-something virgins in movies or on television — in Hollywood, they don’t exist. In the real world, though, they do. They are normal people who just haven’t done the deed yet, and I think we need to do a better job of acknowledging that you aren’t broken if you haven’t had those experiences yet. Sex is a beautiful thing that shouldn’t be taboo to talk about, but it also should never be used to shame someone for their lack of experience either.

Imagine making fun of someone for running — or not. Picture judging their personality solely on being a runner, not based on anything else like how friendly they are, how kind they are, or how smart they are. Running an activity that people often enjoy or never participate in; it doesn’t dictate what they’re like as a person. Sex is the same concept. You don’t suddenly change drastically because you are sexually active; you just have a new activity in your life. Sex is fun, and an incredible way to connect with someone you love, but it isn’t something that will change the core of your being.

Instagram: msrachelhollis

If you haven’t read GWYF yet, I highly recommend it. It’s a light read and Rachel is an awesome motivational speaker — it feels like she’s just a friend offering advice. I love her little words of wisdom on Instagram, and am obsessed with this quote she attributes to her therapist,

“Someone else’s opinion of you is none of your business.”

I think we can all learn a little lesson from this on fearlessly being ourselves. Many of our biggest fears stem from what other people think about us. This year I’m trying my best to put my blinders on and share my thoughts without worrying about the opinions of others. I think this is going to be the best way to really connect with people, even though I might also reach some people who just don’t understand my heart. Subscribe to my email list to get some extra premium content this year! I have a lot to say and am excited to be sharing more with you all.

28 responses to “Girl, Wash Your Face Review”

  1. Salvageable Avatar

    That sounds like a good book. My daughter moved off campus because college dorm life is filled with things that made her uncomfortable–drug use, live-in boyfriends, and foul language. She tolerated it for four months, but she was glad to escape. J.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      It’s so good! Your daughter would probably love it. Your freshman year of college is definitely the hardest because you’re still trying to find a good, solid group of friends. I liked every other year so much better when I had a little squad of people in my corner who made me feel less alone. Then I was able to enjoy everything college had to offer and branch out with other people too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Salvageable Avatar

        Unfortunately, she’s living off campus in an apartment near where she works (fast food restaurant), so her campus life and friendships will be minimal. I was able to be part of a strong Christian group when I was in college, and having those friends made a big difference for me. J.


  2. keh09c Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, Krista. Just like your post “Colton ‘The Virgin Bachelor’” It is TRULY refreshing to hear your words. You would think in a society that celebrates freedom of choice and freedom of expression, that the same spirit of acceptance would also extend to those who wish to save sex for marriage. This double-standard is disturbing, and makes you wonder if there is something more to this topic than what is on the surface. Sex is so personal, so it seems only natural that someone would get defensive if they felt their sexual choices where being scrutinized. It becomes personal. We have to remember that everyone walks different paths of life for different reasons, and there is no need to be judemental in either direction of the argument.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Yes I agree completely!! It just is really hard to see people tearing others down in this regard, but I see it all the time. I just want to talk about it a little more because I feel like it is difficult to stand up for yourself in such a personal topic, but it’s important to be sensitive to everyone’s choices. Thanks so much for reading and for your encouragement! ❤


  3. Angel at Watchyourlifeinpictures Avatar

    Loved your review and out look on the book, which I have not read.

    And that judgmental attitude the world has towards people who trend towards purity, YES!

    I see and hear that all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      You should totally pick it up. It’s a good, easy read that I found really uplifting!

      I definitely agree though, it’s really difficult to be vocal in the dating world about not wanting to sleep around, and I think a lot of people don’t know what girls go through when they are waiting to have sex. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Trula Marie Avatar
    Trula Marie

    I actually have recently gotten into reading more biography and autobiography books in the last year or so. I read two last year and I’ve just added Michelle Obama’s to my list. I hadn’t heard of this one until now and it’s going to have to be added to my list!

    It’s weird that we preach in today’s society about we as women should be supportive of one another – the whole fix each other’s crowns and such. I’m all for that. But we can’t continue to be hypocrites over it! To each their own, but don’t tear down each other over personal decisions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Ahhh I love autobiographies too! Please let me know if you have any recommendations and how you like Michele Obama’s book after you read it. I think it got really good reviews!

      I absolutely love the comment you wrote about fixing each other’s crowns because that’s one of my favorite quotes but I hadn’t connected it with this post necessarily. I am going to use it when I share this on my Facebook page later; thanks so much girl! I appreciate you taking the time to read and give me your thoughts. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Trula Marie Avatar
        Trula Marie

        No problem! And it’s true in my opinion at least.

        As for books I’ve read recently, Anna Kenderick’s biography was AMAZING! And Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher made my year after she passed away. It really made me look at my favorite leading man in a new light, but also her as well. Plus Star Wars is my kryptonite.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Is Anna Kendrick’s book “Scrappy Little Nobody” or something? I got it on audible because I had to use credits before I canceled my account lol! I’m so glad to hear that because I have been putting off reading it, but I’ll pick it up next!

        I love that you love Star Wars too. I like the movies but am not cool enough to remember a lot from the earlier movies. I’ll check out Carrie’s book too though! Thanks so much girl!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Trula Marie Avatar
        Trula Marie

        Yes, it is! I have a review for it up on my blog because it was one of my absolute favorites last year because 90% of the time I was like “Anna is my soulmate friend.” For some reason, I just really vibed with her.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Ahh I’m going to go look at your blog! That’s such a great feeling, finding someone who totally gets you. I will definitely make sure to read this. Thanks girl!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        I just read your review and now I’m cheering for you to get it signed by Anna one day, haha! I can’t figure out how to comment on your post. Do you have them turned off? I did find your Insta and follow you there too, though! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Trula Marie Avatar
        Trula Marie

        I haven’t set to turn off. But I’ve been debating getting rid of that. One moment!

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Trula Marie Avatar
        Trula Marie


        Liked by 1 person

      8. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Okay I’m going to go back and write a comment because your post totally deserved it. It got me excited to read the book too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. My thoughts exactly Avatar
    My thoughts exactly

    Uggg this book keeps popping up everywhere!! I’ve got to get my hands on it…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      You totally do!! It’s pretty cheap on Amazon, but you can also get it at the library now. I actually got a hard copy and one on audible, and I loved listening to her read the book!


  6. michnavs Avatar

    I haven’t heard about this book yet ..up until i read it here…so i gonna go check where i can buy it…it seems interesting ….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Oh really? I believe it’s sold at Target and Barnes and Noble, but you can also order it on Amazon. You’ll have to come back and let me know what you think!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. michnavs Avatar

        Oh, i live at the other side of the world so i’ll order online..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

        Ahhh crazy!! What country do you live in?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. michnavs Avatar

        I am from South East Asia..

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Rosie Culture Avatar

    Ah this is on my list!! I’m waiting for my sister to finish reading so I can steal her copy lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. singleinthesuburbs Avatar

      Please let me know what you think!! Does your sister like it?

      Liked by 1 person

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